Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Are Fruits Making You fat 2

 Fruits are loaded with sugar, fructose to be exact. This why athletes use them during endurance for energy, and why people suffering from hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, use them to raise there blood sugar when needed.

That is where one of the problems is. Fruits are carbohydrates. Never eat a carbohydrate by itself. This is basically all sugar. When you eat a carbohydrate by itself there is a sudden increase in sugar in the body. This causes the body to release insulin. However, the body releases too much insulin because it thinks more sugar is coming. The insulin basically grabs the sugar/carbohydrate and stores it to fat for use at some other time. Since your body released too much insulin there is not enough sugar to support the brain function. That is why you feel tired or sluggish. So you’re fatter and dumber. So, if you are going to eat a carbohydrate, eat some protein with it, it will slow the release of the sugar.

That glass of orange juice in the morning, the banana and apple for snakes, and the fruit salad for lunch, might actually be what is stopping you from losing the weight.

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Are Fruits Making You FAT

I want to make this perfectly clear, fruits are health and they are good for you. They are loaded with vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Fruits have also been shown to fight against cancer. However, when we are talking about weight loss we need to take a closer look at fruits. 

It is pretty obvious to everyone that when you want to lose weight you watch your sugar intact, right? Well, there is a reason why fruits are called, “nature’s candy”. In fact, you need realize that a glass of orange juice is just about the same as a glass of soda. Find out more here

Fw: How Fast Will I Lose The Weight I Gained During Pregnancy?

As a father to my own children and uncle to a whole tribe of nieces and nephews, I've been through my fair share of pregnancies. In almost every case, each mother seemed to expand beyond the possible, blame the pregnancy and then complain bitterly when the blubber stayed put after the baby was born. Bevery Brooke has some ideas that might help if this sounds like you. Get them here

Apple Cider Vinegar - the secret cure

Did you know that Apple Cider Vinegar has been used as a powerful health and healing agent. The qualities of apple cider vinegar has been known and used since 3000 B.C. It has been called nature's perfect food many times. Apple cider vinegar is very effective in detoxifying various organs in the body, breaking down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits, preventing high blood pressure, and promoting weight loss. It literally has over 20 health benefits ranging from arthritis to headache relief to weight loss. Get more natural agents here